Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Surprising Miss Know All :).....

This is the one time that I will admit that I am Miss Know All :) I like to know things. I like to know what the kids had for lunch while I was gone, how Brandon's business meeting was a work, you know stuff. I like details too. When Brandon says his day was fine I want details. What meetings did you have today? Did you think it went well? What did you have for lunch? Lol, to some I might seem nosy at times but my family knows that although slightly annoying, it is just because I care. So, I tell you this because it is nothing short of a miracle that my husband was able to throw a surprise 30th birthday party for me! That's right, completely 100%, not a clue, in the dark, oh my gosh what a surprise!! Never in a million years would I have thought that he would have done this for me...or had been able to pull it off without a hitch :)
As far as I knew I was headed out to dinner with Brandon, at his favorite restaurant :) I gave him a hard time and told him, why don't we try something new. But, he insisted. I teased him about wanting his favorite food on MY birthday. What an ass I sounded like! My parents came to baby sit the kids, I had dinner in the oven for them and as soon as we left they scrambled to get the kids ready to head out the door to get to the surprise party. My poor parents! It makes me giggle to think about them trying to get both kids ready, pack a diaper bag, grab Ella's stuff, turn off the oven, and get into the van by themselves for the first time, while under pressure!! Hehehe :) But, they did a great job.
Brandon was totally trying to stall, while it was happening I didn't realize it though. He took his sweet time getting gas and even made a fake bathroom stop that lasted forever, trying to give my parents a head start. We arrived at Grisanti's and the waitress grabbed our menus and started to walk us to our table, but she kept walking. I thought, "Why is she sitting us back here?!" She started to open the door to the party room and I saw my friend Kelly's face. I thought, "Why is Kelly here?" I still didn't get it!! Not until I was in the room and my family and friends yelled "SURPRISE!" did I realize it.
My husband helps out a lot, is great with the kids, a very hard worker, and a laundry list of other things....but planning a party?! Who is this guy? :) He met with a caterer, picked a menu, wine, and chose a sweet quote for the top of the menu. Seriously, who is this guy? Hahahaha. It was a wonderful evening with all of those who I love dearly and wishes from those who were unable to attend. It felt so wonderful to have something done just for me. My mother-in-law told me, "Brandon said that if anyone deserved a party like this that it was you." Awww, talking sweet about me too? He earned unlimited points :) After 12 years of being together and almost 6 years of marriage it amazing that my husband was able to fool Miss Know All, and amazing sweet too! I love you dear!

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