Kaleb is my first baby, my sweet Momma's boy, and I have to admit that I have a hard time not giving him every thing that he wants. I say "no" when needed but it's hard to see things that he will love and not to just pick them up. It might be his favorite snack at the grocery store, a yummy drink from Sonic drive thru, a new book, or a Power Ranger :) Brandon says that I hardly ever come home without a surprise for the kids. He is exaggerating! So, anyways, when Kaleb asked me for this new blue Power Ranger toy I initially said, "no way, you just picked out a new toy!" The kids each had a little surprise toy after the horrible 2 week illness that Ella and Kaleb had. He begged me, constantly. Finally I thought, instead of just telling him "no" over and over, maybe we should talk about EARNING the toy :)
I told him that he needed to get his own money if he wanted the toy. He says, "Like what? Get a job? I'm only 4 mom." I explained chores and allowance to him and he says, "Well, how about you just go to work and get some money for me?" Always the negotiator! :) I told him that he could earn money by doing 'extra' things around the house and save up for a toy. He thought that was a pretty cool idea and proceeded to vacuum the living room for me. The next day he washed the windows and helped me with some of Ella's stuff. Every single day since he washes the windows. I keep telling him they are already clean but he says he has to do his chores. He cleans the already clean windows and then asks me for his quarter :) He has been putting all of his money in his little velcro wallet and keep counting it to see how much more he needs to get his toy. It is actually working out better than I thought it would. He isn't bugging me every two seconds about it and I get some extra work out of him :) Win, win.
Here is a video of him from Saturday morning. I got out of the shower and heard the back door open. I wondered if Brandon had gotten up. I come around the corner and see Kaleb outside washing the back door! It was before 8am! He is so darn cute....
This is him doing the dishes, he insisted! I just love this little guy!